Designing & Developing A Bias & Inequity Elimination Action Plan

Price: $1444.95

Course Format

Course Overview

The Designing & Developing an Eliminating Bias & Inequity Action Plan course aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to design and develop a racial equity action plan. Participants will learn about the principles of racial equity, the importance of action planning in promoting racial equity, and practical strategies for developing and implementing effective plans. The course will draw on the expertise and experiences of leading organizations and institutions in successfully implementing racial equity initiatives. Through short presentations, reading, case studies, group discussions, and practical exercises, participants will gain the tools and insights to create impactful racial equity action plans.

Diversity Certification Training Objectives

  • To provide at least examples of how institutional racism has impacted organizations and marginalized communities.
  • To develop an understanding of the need for an action plan to eliminate racism inequities in organizations.
  • To develop an understanding of how to identify inequities and barriers to equity.
  • To develop an action plan designed to foster greater DE&I effectiveness across organizational planning, programming, training, and assessment, aligning with the unique cultural realities of the organization.

Diversity Certification Training Goals

Upon completion of the course, participants will:

  • Use learned knowledge and skills to identify effective action plans and implementation elements. (Specific)
  • Identify bias in policies and procedures.
  • Demonstrate how to develop a bias and inequity elimination action plan in a draft document. (Measurable)
  • List the resources, tools, and guidance needed to effectively design and develop a bias and inequity elimination action plan that addresses a real-world organizational challenge. (Achievable)
  • Select a practical strategy and solutions to apply in their specific organizational context. (Relevant)
  • Time-bound: Submit a full final draft of a bias and inequity elimination plan that addresses a real-world organizational challenge.


  • A participant manual is provided to each student. The cost is included in the registration fee.
  • A book about cultural diversity strategic planning may also be required. The participant must order it.

Technical needs

  • Computer with high-speed internet access
  • Access to the online meeting platform (Please try this at least two days before the first lecture/discussion session to manage any technical difficulties beforehand).
  • Telephone access (preferably with earphones)
  • MS Word (Do not submit files in pdf, please)