High-Impact Cultural Diversity Recruitment

Price: $1444.95

Course Format

Course Overview

Cultural diversity recruitment has been a persistent human resource management challenge since the civil rights movement. As the national and global demographic shift becomes increasingly a reality, cultural diversity among the talent pool offers promise for attracting the needed talent. Yet, the recruitment of diverse talent has not proven easy. Why is the recruitment of talent in the modern pool of potential recruits so challenging' How can we achieve better diverse recruitment outcomes' How can we reduce the turnover of diverse talent' This course addresses these questions and offers practical solutions for success. Following the guidelines in this course will increase the likelihood of success.

Diversity Certification Training Objectives

  • Increase awareness of the pitfalls of cultural diversity recruitment.
  • Assess personal cultural diversity values and beliefs.
  • Develop cultural diversity recruitment knowledge.
  • Develop cultural diversity recruitment skills.
  • Utilize the content to build a plan

Diversity Certification Training Goals

Upon completion of the course, participants will:

  • Increase awareness of the pitfalls of cultural diversity recruitment.
  • Assess personal cultural diversity values and beliefs.
  • Develop cultural diversity recruitment knowledge.
  • Develop cultural diversity recruitment skills.
  • Utilize the content to build a plan

Technical needs

  • Computer with high-speed internet access
  • Access to the online meeting platform (Please try this at least two days before the first lecture/discussion session to manage any technical difficulties beforehand).
  • Telephone access (preferably with earphones)
  • MS Word (Do not submit files in pdf, please)