DTUI Started the Diversity Certification Revolution in 1998
DTUI Offers the Most Diversity Certification Programs
DTUI Trains You to Do the Work & Provides You With Credentials

Classroom Seminar Logistics

CDP Program Agenda Overview

Registration Receipt

Thank you so much for joining us at the next seminar. You should receive one or two receipts depending on how you registered.

  • A receipt from the online credit card processing of your registration should be readily available, but sometimes it can take up to an hour an a half depending on how busy it is.
  • Whether or not you registered online, you will receive a registration receipt along with the payment receipt.

If you have not received the registration receipt within 48 hours, please contact us at +1.415.692.0121 or use the Contact Form below.

Classroom Course Preparation

You will receive access to a couple of online modules no later than four weeks before the start of the course. Look for an email from canvas.instructure.com (not directly from DTUI.com). The email will provide a link to the course site. Click on it to complete registration from the course (within 24 hours during business days). You must complete registration within 48 hours or the link will no longer work, and you will need to request a new one.

Click Here for Online Course

Completing the exercises prior to the meeting them will better prepare you for the first day of the course. The content provides more background information, self-assessment, and a couple of professional development exercises related to serving in the role of diversity leadership. It is designed to require no more than two hours of your time. You will not complete the CDP before these exercises are submitted and your certification will not be presented until they are complete.

If you are seeking HCRI (human resource management) continuing education units, you must complete each online module exercises and submit them for our records. Otherwise, we strongly encourage you to complete them to get the most out of the course. You will like the exercises if your experience is similar to those who have taken it before. Everyone completed the exercises in the last offering.

Let us know if you have questions or any other needs as we prepare for the meeting.

Schedule & Objectives

  • Day 1: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Diversity Leadership
  • Day 2: 9:00 am - 4:30pm. Diversity Initiatives & Organizational Change
  • Day 3: 9:00 am - 4:30pm. Org. Assessment/Intervention Design/Strategy
  • Day 4: 8:30 am - 3:30pm. Action Planning & Application


Question: If I attend the next Diversity Certification Seminar and complete the training in this class, am I done?

Answer: Yes. Participants receive the CDP award in a ceremony on the fourth and final day of the training - as long as you attend the sessions and fully participate.

Questions: If I complete the online course do I earn the CDP or is this earned only in the Cultural Diversity & Inclusion Professional (CDP) Seminar?

Answer: If you attended a four-day session in the classroom or Levels 1 & 2 online, you will receive an award letter, a certificate of completion, and a certification number.

CDT™ Program Agenda Overview

Registration Receipt

Thank you so much for joining us at the next seminar. You should receive one or two receipts depending on how you registered.

  • A receipt from the online credit card processing of your registration should be readily available, but sometimes it can take up to an hour an a half depending on how busy it is.
  • Whether or not you registered online, you will receive a registration receipt along with the payment receipt.

If you have not received the registration receipt within 48 hours, please contact us at +1.415.692.0121 or use the Contact Form below.

Schedule & Objectives

Day 1: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

  • Introduction & overview
  • Diversity manager: Self-assessment
  • Diversity manager as organizational change agent
  • The High Impact Diversity & Inclusion Initiative FrameworkTM (Cultural competence as inclusion driver)

Day 2: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

  • Organizational Inclusion Assessment (Using the OIA ToolkitTM to identify current inclusion stage)
  • Assessing organizational readiness for change
  • Designing & developing a high impact diversity initiative
  • Sustaining the diversity initiative to achieve maximum results.

Day 3: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

  • What makes the high impact cultural diversity training approach unique?
  • Training design process
  • Design and development phases overview
  • Design phase
  • What training is right for your organization?
  • Training goals and objectives

Day 4: 8:30 am - 3:30pm

  • Outlining your diversity training project
  • Using the Content Development Blueprint
  • Development Phase
  • Using learning outcomes
  • Content development checklist
  • Putting it all together
  • Action planning


550 Montgomery Street, 10th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94111 (NOTE: Venue subject to change)

Hotel Accommodations

For a complete list of recommended hotels, please use the contact form below.

Have Questions? Contact Us!