DTUI Started the Diversity Certification Revolution in 1998
DTUI Offers the Most Diversity Certification Programs
DTUI Trains You to Do the Work & Provides You With Credentials

Accreditation is the Best Indicator of Program Quality!

How long a diversity certification organization has existed and customer reviews are helpful in determining quality. Accreditation is a more meaningful indicator of the quality of an educational institution because an external agency confers it upon completion of a rigorous assessment of the organization's curricular and support system. Diversity Training University International, the Diversity Executive Leadership Academy parent organization, is proud to be the first non-university organization to achieve accreditation. The International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) conferred DTUI with accreditation status after completing a rigorous application process.

Diversity Training University International (DELA) or DTUI.com started the diversity certification movement in 1998 as the first organization to create and offer certified diversity credentials. DELA is a DTUI subsidiary that delivers certification training programs. That may impress you, but we do not stop there. We want you to have the best experience while learning to do the work effectively. We continuously upgrade our courses to reflect the most impactful tools and techniques to effect real change in organizations.

You may prefer or need courses from an accredited institution. You are in good company if you assume that accreditation represents the best standard for selecting an educational institution. Accreditation indicates that the institution is what it purports to be in advertisements and has met stringent education delivery criteria.

Accreditation is a designation for an organization that has undergone the stringent process of meeting a set of education delivery standards. DELA has practiced meeting accreditation standards since 2009. It now has an accreditation status commensurate with our existing standards.

An organization with accreditation will more likely meet your training needs or goals compared to one that is not accredited. To achieve Accredited Provider accreditation, DTUI completed a rigorous application process and successfully demonstrated adherence to the ANSI/IACET 2018-1 Standard for Continuing Education and Training by addressing the design, development, administration, and evaluation of its programs.

DTUI pledges its continued compliance with the Standard now that it is authorized to use the IACET name and Accredited Provider logo on promotional course material. In addition, DTUI is currently listed on the IACET website and recognized as offering the highest quality continuing education and training programs.

To achieve Accredited Provider accreditation, DTUI completed a rigorous application process and successfully demonstrated adherence to the ANSI/IACET 2018-1 Standard for Continuing Education and Training by addressing the design, development, administration, and evaluation of its programs. DTUI pledges its continued compliance with the Standard now that it is authorized to use the IACET name and Accredited Provider logo on promotional course material. In addition, DTUI is currently listed on the IACET website and recognized as offering the highest quality continuing education and training programs.

The popularity of continuous education credential training is growing at a faster rate than some accreditation institutions can train alone. DELA has been offering state-of-the-art programs before receiving accreditation.

The bottom line is that if you need accredited courses for your employer to pay for your education, DELA is an attractive choice. Just keep in mind that we have worked with several clients who successfully persuaded their organization to pay for receiving DELA training. They convinced the decision-makers that our courses are unique, comprehensive, applied, right on target, and accessible. Our track record is impeccable. The balance is between the benefits of a reputable program and the added value of accreditation. You get both with us.

Contact us to learn more.