DTUI Started the Diversity Certification Revolution in 1998
DTUI Offers the Most Diversity Certification Programs
DTUI Trains You to Do the Work & Provides You With Credentials

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Cultural Diversity & Inclusion Certification Online

Is the Diversity Certification Training Accredited?

Diversity Training University International (DTUI.com LLC) certifies the Diversity Executive Leadership Academy to provide accredited courses. The International Association for Continuing Education & Training accredits Diversity Training University International.

Diversity Training University International is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. IACET is recognized internationally as a standard development organization and accrediting body that promotes quality of continuing education and training.


What Types of Diversity Certification Programs Do You Offer?

Certification Overview Credentials
Certified Diversity Professional This diversity certification is for in-house and independent diversity professionals. CDP
Certified Diversity Executive This diversity certification is for in-house diversity professionals in leadership roles. CDE
Certified Diversity & Equity Professional This diversity certification is for in-house and independent diversity professionals with an equity emphasis. CDEP
Certified Diversity & Inclusion Professional This diversity certification is for in-house diversity professionals in management roles. CDIP
Certified Diversity & Inclusion Recruiter This diversity certification is for professionals in recruitment roles. CDIR
Certified Diversity Recruiter This diversity certification is for professionals interested in learning diversity recruitment techniques. CDR
Certified Diversity Trainer This diversity certification is for professionals interested in designing, developing, and facilitating cultural diversity training. CDT

Learn At Your Convenience

Complete diversity certification courses at any time, any day of the year. Start the journey with other participants, or start at your convenience. It is entirely your choice.

Are There Any Live Meetings with the Instructor?

We implemented online learning for diversity certification decades ago. Initially, participants were required to attend weekly live, virtual sessions to complete each course. Increasingly participants asked to forgo the live meetings due to their hectic work schedules. They chose to complete the online modules without requiring live meeting participation. At some point, we decided to make the live virtual meetings optional.

The recent trend towards online learning, which accelerated with the onset of the pandemic-driven workplace, continues to trend upward. We accommodate those who wish to interact with peers and instructors with live, virtual opportunities. It is always tricky to schedule a time that everyone is available. We do our best by offering two weekly virtual meetings for each diversity certification course.

Learn from Other Participants

Virtual online diversity certification training can simulate live classroom discussions. The learning platform you and other participants can access is designed for online learning. It offers features that enable participants to learn from each other. The platform is insufficient alone. DELA course content has been designed and developed by expert distance learning experts. It is common for participants to learn from each other and develop collegial relationships.

How Do I Attend Virtual Courses?

There are two ways to attend each DELA diversity certification course. You can complete the modules for each course at your convenience or include attendance at weekly one-hour sessions in webinar format. DELA 100B, for example, has ten modules.

You decide how fast or slow you will go in meeting the requirement of one module completion each week. We know that life can get us out of rhythm occasionally, so request a few more days when that happens. Remember that our number one goal is to support you in completing each diversity certification course. We will coach you in making progress, and putting a time limit on course completion is one way to support you.

The other choice is to attend once a week live seminar. Yes, we do get together. The facilitator starts with a brief overview and mini-lecture, followed by a discussion. You have the opportunity to listen to what other participants share and make your own contributions.

Each level of the course is composed of 8 to 10 modules. You complete each module in sequential order. Each module has the following:

  • A set of readings you download (most likely) or corresponding to a textbook you must purchase (We only require this for one course at this time).
  • An instructional video or presentation
  • A Discussion Board exercise at the end
  • Some courses have assignments that may require you to apply what you are learning
  • There are two quizzes
  • Some courses require projects that allow you to put what you learn into practice and a practical tool or solution.

The facilitator grades coursework. The facilitator provides both feedback on the quality of the submission as well as professional development support. Once you have completed all coursework satisfactorily, you are done. Complete all online cultural diversity certification courses, meet the 78% minimum overall score, and you will receive your credentials.

Whether you go at it alone or attend the live sessions, you complete assignments based on the readings (handouts) and other learning materials. The assignments are read by the facilitator, who gives you feedback for professional development. You are also required to give other participants feedback as part of the learning experience. So, you are learning from each other even though you may not be online simultaneously. You have interaction without time constraints.

People Are Talking About the Online Program

I learned a lot from the online course. What I really like as a graduate is that I have the course manual as a resource. And as a We Can Do This member, I can access any online lessons to refresh my memory at any time. That has really helped.
Michael Eatman, MA CDP Director for Diversity and Community Life
University School of Nashville


Here is a shortlist of organizations that have participants in the courses or graduates:

  • National Intelligence University
  • World Food Bank (Africa)
  • Amazon
  • National Reconnaissance Organization
  • Shell Nigeria
  • Central Intelligence Agency
  • Pennsylvania House of Representatives
  • National Archives
  • Southern Illinois University
  • Pike School
  • Government of Polk County (Florida)
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
  • AT&T
  • W.W. Grainger
  • Goodwill Industries
  • CalPERS
  • Central European Bank
  • City of Buffalo
  • Spring Arbor University
  • San Jose Evergreen Community Colleges
  • Saginaw University, CalPERS
  • 86 Lumber
  • Krene K.K. (Japan)
  • Enterprise Restigouche (Canada)
  • Canada Border Service Agency
  • United States Coast Guard
  • National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

You can be as successful as our other participants and graduates by taking your education and expertise to the next level with online diversity certification courses.

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Any Questions? I welcome your calls or emails. Just let me know how I can help you reach a clear decision. There's no pressure to enroll. Please contact us at (415) 692-0121. Get ready for more confidence, cash flow, and clarity...

P.S. There are proven effective steps in delivering high-impact diversity and inclusion initiatives. I reveal the juicy “how-to” step-by-step strategy at The High Impact Certified Diversity Professional Secrets of Success program.