DTUI Started the Diversity Certification Revolution in 1998
DTUI Offers the Most Diversity Certification Programs
DTUI Trains You to Do the Work & Provides You With Credentials

Why Renew Certification?

What Happens If You Do Not Re-Certify?

  1. If you use the credentials for any professional purpose, and someone contacts us to support that documentation, we are required to inform them that you no longer have those credentials.
  2. You can no longer ethically put the credentials at the end of your name and title.
  3. Your competitiveness in securing new opportunities, promotions, etc. may be limited.
  4. You no longer have the privileged access to DTUI.com/DELA resources.
  5. If you allow your credentials to expire more than 24 months, you may have to retake the CDP seminar or complete a comparable educational project for reinstatement. This takes time and money.

The Benefits of Certification Renewal

You have a continuous and cumulative record of your annual accomplishments needed to receive the CRU credits. It qualifies you for inclusion in the annual awards for CDP/DELA graduates. You continue to belong to an exclusive club of professionals dedicated to life long cultural and leadership competence development. We are certain that you can think of a few other loses that come with no longer being certified.

Certification renewal requires reporting continuous education credits each year to maintain the DTUI.com/DELA certified diversity professional credentials. Maintain the benefits of your hard-earned credentials, demonstrate your commitment to the inclusion profession, and maintain credibility by receiving the continuous education credits needed and reporting them on schedule.

Maintaining certification is an ongoing process. As an organization that champions standards and competence, DTUI.com/DELA believes that continuing education is necessary to keep pace with changes in an ever-changing field and hone professional skills. The Human Resource Certification Institute (HCRI) recognizes DTUI.com for human resource management continuous education. DTUI.com/DELAcertified professionals must commit to a minimum number of continuing education hours annually to maintain each certification they have successfully completed in a DTUI.com program.

DTUI.com/Diversity Executive Leadership Academy (DELA) requires diversity professional certification recipients to complete acceptable continuing education within each calendar year for certification renewal. Each certification holder must maintain records substantiating the continuing education credits claimed as a prerequisite for renewal.

Please download the renewal form for your convenience. Please submit no later than the due date to safeguard against losing your credentials. Do not hesitate to contact DTUI.com/DELA office with any questions regarding this matter.

Please keep in mind that you may not use the credentials (e.g., CDP) in your title nor will you be included on the list of potential consultant/trainers without these credentials renewed. We know that you understand.

When & How Do I Renew My Certification?

The following is the designated dates for renewal based on the month you received your credentials (Renewal date in parentheses):

  1. January (March 15th of the following year)
  2. February (March 15th of the following year)
  3. March (March 15th of the following year)
  4. April (March 15th of the following year)
  5. May (December 15th the following year)
  6. June (December 15th the following year)
  7. July (December 15th the following year)
  8. August (December 15th the following year)
  9. September (December 15th the following year)
  10. October (December 15th the following year)
  11. November (December 15th the following year)
  12. December (December 15th the following year)

The best way to find out when you should have your paperwork in is to look at either the letter or certificate that you were given upon graduation. It has the date on it.

How Do I Know What Counts as Continuing Education Credit?

The following logic should be applied when deciding what counts: "Did the activity enhance my knowledge of managing diversity and make me a cultural diversity resource for organizations?"

The following is a list of the broad categories and general activities for professional development

Professional Activities: Activities include events, conferences, seminars, workshops and formal educational programs

Professional Presentations/Workshops: Activities include conference presentations, seminars, workshops and formal educational programs

Workplace Presentations/Training: Your workplace or volunteer responsibilities may translate into continuous education units

Teaching: Activities include teaching or participating as a guest speaker for a formal diversity education program. Activities also include developing or teaching courses

Research or Publication: Activities include publishing of research, texts or articles related to cultural diversity.

Instruction/teaching activities include:

Making a formal presentation within your organization teaching a course or workshop or presenting a seminar or conference session You earn re-certification credit only for the first time you give the same presentation or teach a course, workshop, etc. even if you give it to different audiences. To take into account the time you spend preparing, you earn 1.5 credit hours for every hour of presentation time.

Completing Diversity Executive Leadership Academy modules Examples of "Instruction" that earn credit hours include:

Leading a Diversity & Inclusion-related initiative, workshop or training session inside or outside of your workplace teaching workshops or leading programs. Examples that do not earn credit hours include:

Giving a presentation on Diversity & Inclusion and giving a presentation on a topic that is not D&I-related, such as "How to Recruit Diverse Talent".

Where is the form used for reporting CRU's?

The attached form must be accompanied by a program agenda or certification of attendance that indicates the date(s) of the program and number of hours. Click Here to download the form.

Who should I contact if I have questions regarding the reporting of CRU's?


350 Townsend Street, Ste. 255

San Francisco, CA. 94107 USA

How do I calculate CRUs?

Continuing education hours are calculated by the length of the event. Each hour of direct education is counted as one unit. You simply need 6-9 units of education from an approved program to receive credit for one certification. Certified Diversity Professional (CDP) recipients are required to report 9 CRU's per 1-year reporting period for each DTUI.com/DELA certification received. All others are required to report 6 CRU's every year.

How do I report my CRUs?

Your credits for DTUI.com courses are automatically recorded upon completing a qualified DTUI.com/DELA course. You must inform the instructor that you wish to receive DTUI.com CRU credits upon course completion.

Please note that all non-DELA events will be submitted by members. Please be certain to keep a record of activities undertaken with other professional organizations including the dates, hours involved, conference provider or organization, and proof of completion. And, go online to update your record.

Is there a renewal fee?

Yes. The cost is $199.95 annually. If you individually have more than one DELA certification, there is a $299.95 flat fee. Those with CDE credentials pay $399.95 per year for the combined CDP, CDT™, & CDE.

What if I Miss the Renewal Deadline?

We know that there will be times when other responsibilities will make it difficult to complete the submission by the deadline. While we stress the importance of getting the documents in on time, you are able to request an extension. You must pay the renewal fee by the deadline to avoid the additional $100.00 late fee.

Where Do I Get a Re-certification Form?

Click Here to download the form.

How Do I Fill Out the Form?

CODE for TYPE of Program Attended:

F = Formal Program with Class Attendance

  1. Professional development programs of national and state professional accounting societies.
  2. Technical sessions at meetings of national and state accounting societies and chapters.
  3. University or college courses, credit or non-credit courses. Credit will be given in period in which course is completed. Non-credit courses taken in educational institutions must have signed a statement from the instructor of hours attended. You must attach documentation showing successful completion of the course. No more than 9 hours of semester or quarter hours will be allowed in any calendar-year time frame for each DTUI.com program certification.
  4. Formal, organized, in-firm educational programs. Requested credits must be for at least 60-minutes of continuous instruction (1 CE unit). Portions of such meetings devoted to administrative and firm matters cannot be included.
  5. Programs in other organizations (accounting; professional; appropriate private sector, accounting focused). Requested credits must be for at least one hour of presentation on professional topics.

S = Correspondence or Self-Study Programs

Original certificates of completion issued by the sponsor must be attached to this form. Credit will be allowed in renewal period in which the certificate of completion is dated.

C = Technical Committee Service

Pr = Professional experience

I = Instruction or Presentation of Programs

Maximum allowable credit for subject preparation is two hours for each hour of presentation. Repetitious presentations do not qualify. Maximum allowable credit will not exceed 50% of the total requirement.

P = Published Articles or Books

W = Diversity Executive Leadership Academy (DELA) course

How to Submit the Re-certification Form?

Credential Renewal Information